Some configuration option can be customized.
Injection configuration customization
If you are using the Docker image, you can use the --env
argument when launching the responder to change an option:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/storage:/storage -p 80:80 --env KEY=VALUE pierre42100/acme-responder
If you are running the project from sources, you can simply add the arguments at the beginning of the command:
KEY=VALUE uvicorn src.server:app --host --port 80
Available options
Key | Description | Default value |
DOMAIN_URI | The domain where the ACME server is available (without a trailing slash) | http://localhost:8000 |
STORAGE_PATH | Whether the persisted data (CA & account keys) can be found | storage |
CONTACT_MAIL | The email where the team should be contacted | contact@acme.corp |
ORDER_LIFETIME | The time a client has to fullfill the expectations of an order, in seconds (validate challenges) | 900 (15 minutes) |
CERTS_DURATION | The duration of the issued certificates, in seconds | 2592000 (30 days) |
HTTP_CHALLENGE_PORT | The port of the client on which the server should connect to check HTTP challenges. This value should be changed, appart in very specific business constraints. | 80 |
It is recommended to change at least the value of the DOMAIN_URI