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Some configuration option can be customized.

Injection configuration customization

If you are using the Docker image, you can use the --env argument when launching the responder to change an option:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/storage:/storage -p 80:80 --env KEY=VALUE pierre42100/acme-responder

If you are running the project from sources, you can simply add the arguments at the beginning of the command:

KEY=VALUE uvicorn src.server:app --host --port 80

Available options

KeyDescriptionDefault value
DOMAIN_URIThe domain where the ACME server is available (without a trailing slash)http://localhost:8000
STORAGE_PATHWhether the persisted data (CA & account keys) can be foundstorage
CONTACT_MAILThe email where the team should be contactedcontact@acme.corp
ORDER_LIFETIMEThe time a client has to fullfill the expectations of an order, in seconds (validate challenges)900 (15 minutes)
CERTS_DURATIONThe duration of the issued certificates, in seconds2592000 (30 days)
HTTP_CHALLENGE_PORTThe port of the client on which the server should connect to check HTTP challenges. This value should be changed, appart in very specific business constraints.80

It is recommended to change at least the value of the DOMAIN_URI parameter.